
Bäumer Vendôme’s NFT Collection Revealed

Bäumer Vendôme, a luxury jewelry brand, has launched a special collaboration that combines NFTs and physical jewelry design. These unique NFTs come with a price range of €116,000 to €320,000 Euros. They also offer a mix of digital and physical experiences, along with access to an exclusive private club. Let’s dive in!


  • Bäumer Vendôme has launched NFTs in collaboration with NFT platform, Next Decade, Ledger, and Societhy.
  • Buyers of this exclusive program receive an NFT featuring the unique “Rose de Damas” ring. They can also obtain the physical version of the ring.
  • The NFT program provides an immersive virtual reality experience showcasing the crafting of the “Rose de Damas” ring and offers access to a private club with personalized experiences in Paris.
Own a Piece of Luxury: Get Your Exclusive Bäumer Vendôme 'Rose de Damas' NFT & Physical Ring!
Own a Piece of Luxury: Get Your Exclusive ‘Rose de Damas’ NFT & Physical Ring!

Glamour Meets Digital: Bäumer Vendôme Launches Stunning NFT Collection!

Bäumer Vendôme, the high jewelry Maison founded by Lorenz Bäumer three decades ago, has launched NFTs! The NFT platform offers these NFTs, developed in collaboration with Next Decade, Ledger, and Societhy. Buyers not only receive an NFT featuring the exquisite “Rose de Damas” ring but also have the opportunity to redeem the physical version of the ring. Additionally, they can enjoy an immersive virtual reality experience, witnessing the making of the ring. Furthermore, being part of this exclusive Bäumer Vendôme program grants them access to personalized experiences in Paris through the private club.

Furthermore, this special Bäumer Vendôme NFT collection is called “The Genius of Place Vendôme.” Significantly, it consists of just 19 NFTs. Each represents a unique gemstone, including Diamond, Sapphire, Ruby, Amethyst, Tanzanite, Tourmaline, Citrine, and Black Diamond.

Lorenz Bäumer, the visionary behind Bäumer Vendôme, expressed his enthusiasm for this venture. He said, “After being the first one to use titanium, meteorite, or olfactive material in jewelry, penetrating the NFT universe is a very exciting opportunity to provide a new and modern approach to jewelry. I am thrilled to bring Bäumer together with Ledger, Next Decade and Societhy, to the NFT platform, to offer our customers an extraordinary digital and physical experience. Never has an NFT program gathered so many industry leaders, demonstrating its uniqueness and attractiveness.”

So, if you want to participate in Bäumer Vendôme’s unique NFT program, you can register here!


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